December 28, 2011

Pressing On...

My first blog post ever...hmmmm, what to say??  Coming to the end of another year, always makes you reflect on the one past. Was it a good year? Did I accomplish my goals? Was I happy? healthy? And naturally you plan to make the next year even better.

I can say that on my quest to Lose it the Healthy Way, this year was pretty good. I lost 125 pounds this year. BUT, I still have a LONG way to go and I found my motivation and will to Press On waning considerable the last couple of months. So, when I read about the Pure Skinniness group starting up I was soooo excited! Here is what I needed to re-ignite the fire!

I am looking forward to sharing my journey with all of you and sharing in your journey as we support and encourage each other to a healthier 2012!



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